My arrays appear to have shifted in the image, how to fix?

  • updated 5 mths ago

The good news is that your arrays have not actually shifted. The bad news is that sometimes aerial image providers find errors in their imagery coordinates and when they fix it, it results in the position of the underlying imagery being moved.

To put it another way, you create array areas and do a layout. Then Google finds an error in their data that placed houses in the picture about 3 ft away from where it is supposed to be. So they update the alignment of their picture's coordinates. Then you return a few days later and when you look at the image, it appears that your arrays have moved - when in actuality Google has moved the underlying image.

Not to worry, there is an easy fix.

If you find that the image has moved a few feet, you can move all of the areas you previously created (and any arrays defined in the areas) back onto the house in the image. This is done ONLY on the array areas editor (Site > View/Edit Array Areas). Look for the Move All Areas button at the bottom of the areas list.



Note: You may also want to reposition the image in the viewing window. So after moving the array areas to align with the roofs, you can simply drag the image in the viewing window to reset its position.

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