Can I import PV production estimates from external tools like PV Syst?

  • updated 5 mths ago

Presently, no.

However, you can make SolarNexus reflect nearly the same production values by adjusting the SolarNexus' production estimate using the following process...

Let's assume you created a design in Helioscope and the same design in SolarNexus. For example:

  • Helioscope est: 12,500kWh
  • SolarNexus est: 12,000kWh
  • % difference: 12,500 / 12,000 = 1.0416 (+4.16% difference)

Go to your Services screen, in the PV Output Modeling dialog for your PV system, input 4.16% into the "PV Output Adjustment" field. That will update your SolarNexus estimate to be very close to the Helioscope estimate.


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