Adding Services to a Solution

  • updated 7 mths ago

A customer solution consists of one or more services you are proposing to sell to the customer. Services are things like PV system installs, main electric service panel replacements, EV charging stations, energy storage systems, water heater upgrades, etc. Services can generate energy (PV systems), shift energy (storage systems) or save energy (EE measures), or they can represent supporting or standalone work related to energy upgrades (EV chargers, electrical upgrades, roofing work, etc.)

A service comprises a definition of a scope of work, including a description and list of major equipment/labor items, estimated energy impact, and the price for the scope of work.

Adding a Service

When adding a service to a customer solution, you can define an ad-hoc service or you can select from your company's list of pre-defined Service Offerings. 

(See the About Service Offerings help article for more details on defining your company's service offerings.)

Use the buttons at the top of the Services screen to add a service to a solution.

Upon clicking the Add Other Service button, for example, you're given a menu of "general" (non-energy impacting) service offerings to select from:

Ad-Hoc Services

Select the [generic] option to define an ad-hoc service from scratch.

For PV systems and Storage systems, you'll be prompted to select equipment and configure the system.

For EE and general services, you'll be prompted to enter the type, name and description for the service and (for EE) to enter the estimated energy savings. The service type comes from a list of your company's pre-defined service types (defined on the Administration > Lead & Project Data screen). The name and description are used when describing the scope of work in the proposal and contract.

Note: If your company hasn't yet defined its service offerings for each category (PV, storage, EE, general), you will only be able to create ad-hoc services and the service offering menu shown above won't even appear.

Using Service Offerings

To add a pre-defined service offering to a solution, select the desired offering after clicking one of the Add Service buttons. The new service will be added to the solution with a pre-defined name, description, optional equipment items and pricing. In the case of PV systems, you will still need to configure the module layout, since that's obviously specific to each project.

To simplify product selection, the list of available equipment options (e.g. modules and inverters for PV systems, batteries for storage systems, high efficiency upgrade/retrofit items for EE measures, etc.) may be restricted to the subset of your company catalog that's relevant for the particular offering. For example, for a Residential Rooftop PV System offering, the module list may be restricted to only the modules appropriate to residential rooftop systems.

Unless your administrator has "locked" the service offering, you can configure services added using service offerings the same way you can when adding ad-hoc services from scratch.

Configuring Services

Details on defining each type of service can be found here:

In general, you can edit the name and description for a service by clicking the Edit icon in the upper right corner of the service module.

Removing Services

You can permanently remove a service from a solution by clicking the Delete icon in the upper right corner of the service module.

Or you can temporarily remove a service by unchecking the checkbox in the upper left corner of the service module. When you temporarily remove a service, it will remain visible on the Services screen, but will be grayed out, and the solution pricing, analysis and proposal will get updated to reflect that the service is no longer a part of the solution.

You might want to temporarily remove a service, for example, if you are putting together a multi-service solution and want to quickly check how removing one of the services impacts the energy use and cost/benefit analysis without losing the work you've already put into defining the service.

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  • 9 mths agoLast active
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