The Job Workspace

  • updated 7 mths ago

The Job Workspace is where you develop and manage projects and work orders. The job workspace has multiple components, some of which are not shown by default. The image below shows the workspace with most of its components open:

Job Summary

This is the header of the Job Workspace. It contains basic information about the customer and provides important information about the status. 

Nested within the Project Summary is the Solutions Summary. This provides summary data about the project and its defined systems so that you need not flip back and forth between screens. You may choose to show or hide the project summary at any time. 


Workspace Navigation Buttons

The primary work area for defining the project is navigated using a set of buttons across its top. Each button takes you to a particular screen. The first three buttons are common to the whole project. They are the Project, Energy Use, and Site screens. The Project button opens the Project Information screen which defines the "who, what, and where" information of the project. The Project Information screen contains two blocks:

  • Project Participants (see Participants for a description)

  • Project Information

You can expand any of these blocks by clicking on the + icon at the upper right of that block. Click Edit to modify desired entities. You must fill out fields marked with an asterisk; other fields are optional. Click Save to record your entries and return to a view only version of the Project Information screen.

The Energy Use screen allows you to enter the utility, tariff, and historical use information.  The Site screen contains detailed site survey information.

The rest of the buttons are particular to a single solution. A project may have multiple solutions defined. Once a project has a completed "Lead Qualified" milestone, you can add one or more solutions (or scopes of work). Each new solution has its own set of buttons and associated screens in which you define a system and scope of work.

TIP: To edit a customer's contact information, expand the Project Participants section and click on the edit icon next to the contact you would like to modify.


Management Panel

The right side of the project screen displays the Management panel. Several sub-panels are available, each for managing its own aspect of project operations.

Project Log

The Project Log contains notes taken throughout the project's entire lifecycle. You can add a note at anytime, and may update the Pending field while doing so. Note that you are also adding Project Log entries whenever you add notes to completing a project milestone.


The Status panel is where you manage the current status information of your leads and projects. You can learn more about Managing Projects with Milestones.

Additional Tasks/Issues

Used to track ad-hoc tasks that are not directly related to a Milestone. These are tracked at the project level. 


Every project has an owner. The owner is the user designated with responsibility for the project and is usually the salesperson. The user who creates a project is set as the owner by default. Administrators and users with sales management permissions can change the user responsible for a project. Project owners can add other users to the project as associates. This feature is useful when the owner needs help, or is away on vacation or out sick.


This panel provides access to document attachments for the project. You can upload any types of documents that may be useful to the project: for example, permit applications, signed contracts, photos, drawings, and so on. Remember that the project is your virtual "manila folder," enabling users to access the project folder from any place where they have an internet connection. The documents panel allows organization of documents using tags defined at the account level. More about tags can be found under Tags in Administering Your Company's Account.


After a project is sold, you can initiate and track requests for quotes (RFQs) and purchase orders for project materials. See more about Orders here.


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  • 9 mths agoLast active
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